filming in New Mexico


Filming in New Mexico is generally straightforward with only basic permits needed (depending where you are within the state). The exception would be any federal land as that can take some time for processing. Expect to have permits based on the city/county you're in, as well as potential permits from NMDOT if on their roadways. Below are some resources for filming within the state you may find helpful!

NM Film Office Location Database 

NM State Film Office Permits & Procedures

NM Film Liaison List  

City of Albuquerque Film Office (currently no fee)

City of Albuquerque Filming Guidelines (please be aware that in ABQ basecamp is not allowed on streets) 

Bernalillo County Film Office (fee $120 per location) 

Santa Fe Film Office

NM Department of Transportation Special Event Permit & Checklist (no fee, but 14-21 day notice preferred)